1. The existing 'Edit with Notepad++' context menu link generates an error on execution
2. Worse, it doesn't display at all through Multi-Commander
No like!
So here's how to fix it. First, get rid of the existing context menu entry, which you'll find under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/*/shellex/ANotepad++64. Now you're ready to add the new entry:
1. Go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell.
2. Right-click shell and add a new key called "Edit with Notepad++" (or whatever you want to call it).
3. Now Right-click on the key you just created, and add a new key beneath it called "command". The end result should look like this:
4. Within the command key, modify the default string to the full path of the Notepad++ executable in quotes followed by %1. For example:
5. Go back to your original key (Edit with Notepad++ or similar) and add a new string value called "Icon". Modify the value to the full path of the Notepad++ executable in quotes followed by ,0. For example:
The changes will take effect immediately, and you should now have the item in your right-click context menu: