Let's look at the Java code first:
import java.sql.*;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRDefaultScriptlet;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRScriptletException;
We're combining both the default Jasper scriptlet method and java.sql.* for the database update.
public class UpdateQrtzTriggers extends JRDefaultScriptlet {}
This is the overall class.
There are two objects within the overall class:
public void afterDetailEval() throws JRScriptletException
public String updateDB(Connection con, String trigger_names) throws SQLException
For the database update, we pass in the connection and a list of triggers to include in the update.
After processing every report row (afterDetailEval), we collect the value of a field within the report and append it to a master list:
String trigger_name_list = (String)this.getVariableValue("TriggerNames");
String trigger_name_field = (String)this.getFieldValue("trigger_name");
if (trigger_name_list != null) //if trigger name list already contains values, treat as append
if (trigger_name_list.indexOf(trigger_name_field) == -1) //only append value if trigger name is not already in list
this.setVariableValue("TriggerNames", trigger_name_list + ",'" + trigger_name_field +"'");
this.setVariableValue("TriggerNames", "'" + trigger_name_field +"'");
In the summary section of the report, we call the database update specifically as follows:
This gives updateDB its parameters. It then does this with them:
if (con.isReadOnly() == true) //make sure update can proceed
String sql_1 = "UPDATE qrtz_triggers q SET next_fire_time = next_fire_time-(next_fire_time-(UNIX_TIMESTAMP()*1000))+(DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(next_fire_time/1000),'%i')*60000)+2000 WHERE q.trigger_name IN (";
String sql_final = sql_1 + trigger_names + ");"; //include list of triggers to update and closing parenthesis
Statement s = con.createStatement();
if (con.getAutoCommit() == false) //if autocommit is not set, commit manually
return "Update Succeeded";
catch (SQLException e)
return e.toString();
This sets the trigger for a scheduled report to a time in the immediate future - thus re-running a scheduled report whose execution time has already passed.
Have fun!